Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Nativity Display

In our stake they have a wonderful tradition of gathering nativity sets from members, setting them up and inviting the community. It takes quite a bit of organization. They collected over 400 nativity sets, also know as cresh displays, trees, extension cords, lights, and table cloths. Nativity sets come from all over the world. It was so neat to see the birth of Christ portrayed in different ways. Members volunteer in greeting guests, taking coats and informing guests about displays. They also invited school and other church groups to participate and share their musical talents. The logistics must be quite a challenge. For all the work it was featured in the paper. It was great publicity for the church.

Dan and I attended on Sunday and it was a packed house. "Missionary" Jessica invited 2 co-workers to attend. I wanted to invite more but I was worried about the exact guidelines for that sort of stuff knowing that our "Secret Santa" is called "Secret Snowflake" because of sensitivities at work. Next year I will build on what I did this year. I also want to try to get a unique set so I could loan it to the cause.

Dan really liked this one. It looks like its from Japan.

I thought of Kristi when I saw this one. Looks like Klinkits to me.

From Mongolia


MC's said...

Those Nativity sets are so cool. I loved them. Do you have any more pictures of others? That is a great activity!

Kristi said...

Our Stake in Texas does this every year. I think it is so beautiful... but would never want to be the person in charge.

I'm so glad they had a little Eskimo nativity set. I need to get my hands on that one! The official spelling of Klinkit is Tlingit. Who knew?

Kristalyn said...

How fun to see different types of nativities!
I just have to say that Secret Snowflake just doesn't have the same ring as Secret Santa!

I hope you guys are doing well! :)